Sunday, September 03, 2006

Improving your credit score

Three of the chief appraisal reporting bureaus is using unique versions of FICO in the United States. It is important to have a good credit score in order to receive the best rates on home loans.

The Benefits of Your Credit Score There are many rewards that will come. A couple of upfront benefits are that you will meet the criteria to get loans. Stemming off of that is another benefit: you will be offered better interest rates. Which will save you money? A few different strategies are suggested:

  • A lower Credit Card Balances Owing substantial amount on your credit cards (which is relative to the sum of your limit) makes a large dent on your FICO score. 25% should be the maximum balance in your credit card. There are sometimes blunders such as a late payment stated. In fact you paid on time which can take about anywhere from 30 days to 3 months to process!

  • Erase Debts (Don't Simply Move Them Around) Increasing the ratio of your credit card equilibrium is determined by the following: The Number of closed accounts your balance and limits Balance Transferred with those. Your credit score will probably lower.

  • Give Payments on Time You increase your chance of improving your credit score when you are eager to meet your deadlines. Not only is it a good practice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are like most people, you have been hearing about the importance of a good credit report since you were able to hold a dollar inyour hands. One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to keep a good watch on everything that has to do with your credit.
I have a good read to share with you on How To Quickly Increase Your Credit Score In One Day.
I hope you'll find it useful have a great day!