There are credit card tips, and then there are credit card secrets. These latter are small known fast ones that credit card companies play on you, as well as fast ones you can utilize to get quit of fees and pay off your debt sooner. Here are some of the best credit card tips, fast ones and secrets.
1. You can get quit of annual fees. If you have got good credit, just name and inquire for fee to be removed. This worked on three out of four cards I called on, and I just dumped the other. Of course of study the menace to make the same with the others is what got the fees dropped.
2. Read the mulct print, and pay on time. Be aware that under "universal default" rules, if you are late on one card, your interest rate can be increased on other cards as well. They love to get you with this one.
3. Watch for changing owed dates. This is a fast one used by some credit card companies to get you to pay late, so they can accumulate the late fees. They will also be able to raise your rate, and the rate on other cards you may have. Don't presume that your payment owed day of the month will always be the same.
4. Use promotional checks with care. Transferring balances to 0 interest publicities can be a good idea, but ticker out for those that charge "balance transfer fees." Transferring a balance that you were going to pay off soon anyhow will just cost you more than if there is a 3% transfer fee.
5. Try credit unions for cards. Their cards usually have got lower rates. My credit union Visa rate hasn't been over 10% inch years, and I have got zero liability for unauthorised charges.
6. Ask to have got the late fee waived. If you've never been late before, some credit card companies will relinquish a late fee - but only if you ask. Why not seek it? All it takes is a phone call.
7. Wage in full every month. Credit cards are for convenience, not for concealment the true cost of things. Don't pay interest - just pay the balance every month.
8. Don't purchase the credit card insurance. This typically halts your payments when you are injured or unemployed. It is one of the most over-priced insurances out there, and doesn't eliminate the debt, but just holds it.
9. Avoid credit card security insurance. It pays for unauthorised charges when your card is stolen, but you are only apt for the first $50 if you report the theft in any case, and many cards already have got 0 liability.
10. Wage high-interest cards first to reduce credit card debt. If you have got $200 monthly to apply to your credit card debt, wage only the minimums only on all cards but the card with the highest interest rate. Put all the remainder of the money towards that one. Once that one is paid off, work on the adjacent highest. This is the fastest manner to get quit of your credit card debt, and the most of import of these credit card tips.
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